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Report Copyright or Trademark Infringement

Copyright Notices

If you are a copyright owner, or agent of the owner, and believe that content available on Pipfeed infringes one or more of your copyrights, please email/send/fax us a notice containing the information below (“DMCA Notice”).

How do you file a DMCA Notice?

Your DMCA Notice must include all of the following information:

Where do you email/send the DMCA Notice?

The quickest way is to email it to

What happens after sending the DMCA Notice?

If the Notice complies with the requirements of the DMCA, we will remove or disable access to the content that is allegedly infringing. We will make a good faith attempt to notify the alleged infringer of the takedown, with a copy of your DMCA Notice. We also may send a copy of your DMCA Notice to Lumen or post to our wiki page.

Note: You can be held liable for damages, including costs and attorney fees, if certain material misrepresentations are contained in your DMCA Notice. Consult an attorney before filing a DMCA Notice if you are unsure if your copyrights have been infringed.

What happens if you receive a DMCA Notification?

If you believe your content was removed in error, you can file a counter-notification with the information below (“DMCA Counter-Notification”).

Note: You can be held liable for damages, including costs and attorney fees, if certain material misrepresentations are contained in your DMCA Counter Notification. Consult an attorney before filing a DMCA Counter Notification if you are unsure if your material was removed in error.

Pipfeed has a policy of terminating repeat infringers. If your account receives multiple copyright complaints, we may terminate your account.

How do you file a DMCA Counter Notification?

Your DMCA Counter Notification must include all of the following information:

What happens after sending the DMCA Counter-Notification?

Upon receipt of a valid Counter Notification, we will promptly forward a copy to the person who filed the original DMCA Notice. If we do not receive notice within 10 business days that the person who submitted the DMCA Notice is seeking a court order to prevent the infringement of the content at issue, we will replace or re-enable access to the content that was removed.

Trademark Notices

If you are a trademark owner, or agent of the owner, and believe that content available by means of one or more of our services infringes one or more of your trademarks, please send us a notice containing the information requested for a DMCA notice as described above. We deem this to be a “Trademark Notice” and will handle reports of trademark violations in Trademark Notices similarly to the process described above for copyright violations.

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