Generate Embeddable HTML code for any URL using Pipfeed's Extract API

Generate Embeddable HTML code for any URL using Pipfeed’s Extract API

Embeddable Cards provide a clean, responsive, and shareable card for any content on the web. Cards are the easiest way to leverage Pipfeed's extract API for any media, Cards provide a responsive embed. 40% of Users will click, hover, or view Cards with videos, images, and rich media. Cards are responsive and adapt to automatically fit any site they are placed in.But a lot of these embed APIs aren't very customizable and usually results in a longer load time. Using Pipfeed's extract API, you can generate a pure HTML code in the framework and style of your choice. For this example we will be using bootstrap cards to style the generated cards.
SEO killing creativity

SEO is killing good content and it needs to stop!

We have access to an infinite amount of information in this modern age, practically you can search for anything you want. And with this comes a need to filter out the noise to ensure that the appropriate user gets to the appropriate content and vice versa. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) seeks to make the quest as user-friendly as possible. However, if you want to create content then you must know the significance of knowledge about how certain algorithms and requirements work to move the content to the top. Top blogs use the technique of SEO to get them highly ranked. But as we focus on the SEO more than the quality of content, it seems that we are trying to please the robots instead of humans.